Retrieve Data from Firestore and Display on WordPress

In this tutorial, I will show you how to retrieve the database from your Firestore and display it on the WordPress website. Before that, make sure you have:

  • Install and active Integrate Firebase plugin

  • Update the firebase configuration on the Firebase dashboard

  • Make sure that Firebase security rules allow you to access the document with or without logging in

The plugin support getting one document and display on the frontend as a table with the shortcode.


// Get document id '1' from 'users' collection from realtime database
[realtime class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='users' document_name='1' display_fields='email,displayName,role,uid' ]

// Get document id '1' from 'users' collection from firestore
[firestore class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='users' document_name='1' display_fields='email,displayName,role,uid']

Display data from firebase

If the default shortcode doesn’t suite your needs, you can create a custom one. Please follow the guide for developers.