Retrieve Data from Firestore and Display on WordPress
In this tutorial, I will show you how to retrieve the database from your Firestore and display it on the WordPress website. Before that, make sure you have:
Install and active Integrate Firebase plugin
Update the firebase configuration on the Firebase dashboard
Make sure that Firebase security rules allow you to access the document with or without logging in
The plugin support getting one document and display on the frontend as a table with the shortcode.
// Get document id '1' from 'users' collection from realtime database
[realtime class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='users' document_name='1' display_fields='email,displayName,role,uid' ]
// Get document id '1' from 'users' collection from firestore
[firestore class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='users' document_name='1' display_fields='email,displayName,role,uid']
If the default shortcode doesn’t suite your needs, you can create a custom one. Please follow the guide for developers.