Integrate Firebase PRO Filter Hooks

Here is the list of filter hooks that help to communicate with Firebase services.

Get data from Firebase (v2.3.0)

This filter hook will help to get document data from Firebase (Realtime or Firestore).

* Get Data from Firebase Database
* @param [type] $database_type realtime | firestore
* @param [type] $collection_name
* @param [type] $doc_id
* @return data | false

// start getting data to firebase
apply_filters('firebase_get_data_from_database', $database_type, $collection_name, $doc_id);

Get data from Firebase (v3.31.0)

This filter hook will help to get collection data from Firebase (Firestore).

* Get Data from Firebase Database
* @param [type] $database_type firestore
* @param [type] $collection_name
* @return data | false

// start getting data to firebase
apply_filters('firebase_get_collection_from_database', 'firestore', '$collection_name);

Update Doc Id before saving to Firebase (v2.16.0)

This filter hook will allow to modify document id before saving data to firebase. The use case is when you have multiple WordPress websites that utilize Firebase authentication. If you choose to sync data (posts or WooCommerce Subscriptions), the id of those data will overridden which causes issues for your users. It’s better to utilize this filter hook to create a unique document id for each site before saving to firebase.

add_filter('firebase_update_doc_id_before_saving_to_database', 'update_doc_id_before_saving_to_database', 10, 2);

function update_doc_id_before_saving_to_database($collection_name, $doc_id) {
    // transform doc_id if collection name is subscriptions
    if ($collection_name == 'subscriptions') {
        // Remove http:// or https:// before returning new id
        $new_doc_id = $doc_id . '-' . preg_replace('#^[^:/.]*[:/]+#i', '', get_site_url());
        // example of new document id:
        return $new_doc_id;

    // return default doc_id if condition doesn't match
    return $doc_id;

Before Saving Post data to Firebase

This filter hook will help to modify post data before saving to Firebase. This will also apply to custom post types. If you want to save user data manually, you can use Save data to Firebase filter hook.

add_filter('firebase_before_saving_post_to_database', 'edit_post_data_before_saving');

function edit_post_data_before_saving($post) {
   // add custom data to post
   $post->custom_data = 'custom data 123';
   return $post;

Before Saving User data to Firebase

This filter hook will help to modify User data before saving to Firebase. It will happen only once where user first login to the site. If you want to save user data manually, you can use Save data to Firebase filter hook.

add_filter('firebase_before_saving_user_to_database', 'edit_user_data_before_saving');

function edit_user_data_before_saving($user) {
   // add custom data to user
   $user['custom_data'] = 'custom data 123';
   return $user;

Save data to Firebase

This filter hook will help to save data from WordPress to Firebase (Realtime or Firestore).

* Send Data to Firebase Database
* @param [type] $database_type realtime | firestore
* @param [type] $collection_name
* @param [type] $doc_id
* @param [type] $data object
* @return boolean

// start saving data to firebase
apply_filters('firebase_save_data_to_database', $database_type, $collection_name, $doc_id, $data);

Delete data from Firebase

This filter hook will help to delete data from Firebase (Realtime or Firestore).

* Delete Data from Firebase Database
* @param [type] $database_type realtime | firestore
* @param [type] $collection_name
* @param [type] $doc_id
* @return boolean

// start delete data from firebase
apply_filters('firebase_delete_data_from_database', $database_type, $collection_name, $doc_id);

Update Custom Error Messages

This filter hook will help to update error messages for the plugin.


add_filter('firebase_edit_public_translation_texts', 'edit_public_translation_texts');

function edit_public_translation_texts($texts) {
   $texts['auth']['emailPasswordMissing'] = 'Please enter email and password';
   $texts['auth']['auth/user-not-found'] = 'User is not found. <a href="">Click here</a> to register.';
   return $texts;