List of Current Shortcodes
Shortcodes are mostly used on WordPress frontend, when you create a page or a post in WordPress dashboard, you can embeded in the content.
// Page or Post
If you are a developer who knows PHP, you can use it anywhere you want.
// php files
echo do_shortcode("[firebaseui_web][/firebaseui_web]");
// Add this shortcode in order show error message to the front end
[firebase_error class='optional-your-CSS-class-name'][/firebase_error]
// Login, Register through FirebaseUI Web
// redirect parameter is optional
[firebaseui_web redirect="link-to-page"][/firebaseui_web]
// After logging in, you will be redirect to the homepage.
// The redirect is optional.
// Default button text is "Login"
// enable_placeholder is optional to hide the label and display placeholder
[firebase_login button_text='Signin' redirect='/' enable_placeholder=true]
// Registration wilh extra fields: first name, last name and phone number. The redirect, extra fields and requried fields are optional. Without those, it will only show email and password fields.
[firebase_register required_fields='firstName,lastName,phoneNumber' extra_fields='firstName,lastName,phoneNumber' redirect='/']
// Greetings Logged in User
// Logout Button
// redirect after logging out and button_text are optional
[firebase_logout redirect="/" button_text="Sign Out"][/firebase_logout]
// Forgot Password
[firebase_forgot_password button_text="Forgot Password"]
// Show custom message for NOT Logged in Users
[firebase_show_not_login class='optional-your-CSS-class-name']YOUR HTML CODE[/firebase_show_not_login]
// Show custom message for Logged in Users
[firebase_show class='optional-your-CSS-class-name']YOUR HTML CODE[/firebase_show]
Realtime Database & Firestore
Note: You can add html string to the field in the database in order to have an interactive field when displaying on WordPress.
Dynamically dispaly data from document:
In order to get data that relates to Firebase User Id, you can replace document_name=’some-string’ by document_name=’getFirebaseUid’. After user logs in, getFirebaseUid will be replaced by their user id.
Realime collection as table
// show realtime collection data basing on collection name & display fields
[realtime_col class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='users' display_fields='email,firstName,gender,food,hobbies,phone']
Realime collection as blocks
// show realtime collection data basing on collection name & display fields
// display fields or images is required
[realtime_blocks class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='blog' display_fields='title,description,more' images='url']
// In order to sort the data, you can add order_by, the order bases on orderByChild()
[realtime_blocks class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='blog' display_fields='title,description,more' images='url' order_by='title']
Realime Document as table
// show realtime document data basing on collection name & document id as table
// Collection & Document will be come path of the Realtime database --> /users/123456
// display fields or images is required
[realtime class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='string' document_name='string' display_fields='email,displayName,role,uid' images='imageUrl']
Realime Document as blocks
// show realtime document data basing on collection name & document id as blocks
// Collection & Document will be come path of the Realtime database --> /users/123456
// display fields or images is required
[realtime class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='string' document_name='string' display_fields='email,displayName,role,uid' images='imageUrl' display_type='blocks']
Firestore collection as table
// show firestore collection data basing on collection name & display fields
// display fields or images is required
// if you want to display document id, add `id` to display_fields
[firestore_col class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='users' display_fields='email,firstName,gender,food,hobbies,phone']
Firestore collection as blocks
// show firestore collection data basing on collection name & display fields
// display fields or images is required
// nested object key is also supported by using dot notation (e.g. author.fullName)
// if you want to display document id, add `id` to display_fields
[firestore_blocks class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='blog' display_fields='title,author.fullName,description,more' images='image.url']
// In order to sort the data, you can add order_by. For example, this will order by title - descendant. You can also combine the orders: `order_by='title|asc,description|desc'`
// You can also limit the data by adding a `limit` parameters (optional)
[firestore_blocks class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='blog' display_fields='title,description,more' images='url' order_by='title|DESC' limit=10]
Firestore collection through queries
In some cases, you have to open your console log and create an index for your queries.
// Operation list
eq: '==',
ne: '!=',
gt: '>',
ge: '>=',
lt: '<',
le: '<=',
in: 'in',
ni: 'not-in',
ac: 'array-contains',
aca: 'array-contains-any',
Sample Queries
// Query 'users' collection
// email ==
// age > 20
// display fields: email,firstName,lastName,age,gender
// display as 'blocks' | 'table'
[firestore_search class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' search_fields='email|age' search_operators='eq|gt' search_conditions='|20' collection_name='users' display_fields='email,firstName,lastName,age,gender' display_type='blocks']
// In order to sort the data, you can add order_by. For example, this will order by title - descendant. You can also combine the orders: `order_by='firstName|asc,lastName|desc'`
In search_conditions, if you added getFirebaseUid, it will be replaced by Firebase UID after user logs in.
Firestore Document as table
// show firestore data basing on collection name & document id
// display fields or images is required
// if you want to display document id, add `id` to display_fields
[firestore class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='string' document_name='string' display_fields='email,displayName,role,uid' images='imageUrl']
Firestore Document as blocks
// show firestore data basing on collection name & document id
// display fields or images is required
// if you want to display document id, add `id` to display_fields
[firestore class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' collection_name='string' document_name='string' display_fields='email,displayName,role,uid' images='imageUrl' display_type='blocks']
Custom Claims (User’s roles)
// only user with admin claim will see the content
// otherwise they will see a Custom message
[firebase_show_with_claims class='optional-your-CSS-class-name' claims='admin' message='Custom message' ] HTML Data With Tags [/firebase_show_with_claims]